In this article, we’re going to review what to do if you forgot your password to the INF ShareFile portal. The first thing to do is not worry, it only takes a few minutes to reset the password.
To start that process, go to and click on the forgot password link. Now, you’ll want to enter your email address in the field.
The email address that you’re going to want to use is the email address that is associated with your legal malpractice application. That’s most likely the email address that INF used to give you access to the portal. Once you have your email in, click the I’m not a robot, and go through the rigmarole that Google is going to require to prove that you are in fact human. Click Send.
This should result in a Reset Password email being sent to your email address.
Go to your inbox and you might have to do a refresh to see that email come in. Click on that email and you can see that there is a reset your password now link contained within the text of the message.
If you do not receive the reset ShareFile password email in your inbox, you’ll definitely want to check your spam folder, there is a chance that your email provider may look upon the reset ShareFile password email as spam.
Click on the reset your password now link.
You can see for security purposes, INF has a few password requirements. The password needs to have at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, two numbers, a special character and it has to be at least 12 characters in length. So select a new password that you’ll want to use for the portal.
Make sure that you typed them the same and then click on Reset password. You can see ShareFile will confirm your account password has been reset. Now if you want to sign in to the portal, click on back to sign in. Put in your email address, put in that new password and click on Sign In.
If you have any questions about password reset process, email Stacey Ivol at or call at 412-563-2106.