When Is The Right Time To Look Into Life Insurance?

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month.

Throughout the month, we will be posting videos to answer some common life insurance questions. 

This week, we are discussing the right time to look into Life Insurance

If you don’t have Life Insurance, the correct answer is right now.

You are never going to be as young as you are today, and in many cases, never as healthy as you are today. This will help obtain your optimal price. Also, certain life events are appropriate for taking the time to review your current coverage and or consider adding more coverage.

These events include:

  • Marriage
  • Birth or adoption of a child
  • Purchase of a new home
  • Start of a business
  • Changing career
  • Change in income
  • Retirement

If you have any questions about life insurance, or any other type of insurance, call us at 412-563-2106.

What Is The Purpose of Life Insurance?

For those of you who don’t know, September is Life insurance Awareness Month. 

Throughout the month, we will be answering some common life insurance questions. 

This week, we are focusing on the purpose of life insurance.

Life insurance can serve many different purposes. Here are two of the most common:

1. Final expenses

At one time or another, we will all pass away. Regardless of what our wishes are post life, there will be some costs. Many of us will have a formal funeral with viewing services preceding it. Others will choose to be cremated. Purchasing life insurance coverage to cover these costs eliminates the financial burden on those costs from your loved ones. 

2. Family protection

Many of us have children, spouses, or others who rely on our income to survive. Without you and your income, these people may suffer significant financial hardship. Life Insurance is a tool you can utilize to ensure that your loved ones have the financial resources to carry on. 

If you have any questions about life insurance, or any other type of insurance, call 412-563-2106 or click the button below to get in touch today.

Is It Difficult To Obtain A Life Insurance Quote?

Is It Difficult To Obtain A Life Insurance Quote

For those of you who don’t know, September is life insurance Awareness Month. Throughout the month, we will be answering some common life insurance questions.

Question number one: Is it difficult to obtain a life insurance quote?

This question has a simple answer: not at all. The initial process of quoting life insurance is quite simple.

A handful of questions giving a general idea of your overall health and the type of coverage you’re looking for will get the process started. Here’s a list of the general information you will need to obtain a quote:

  • Your date of birth
  • Your gender
  • Your height and weight
  • Whether or not you use tobacco products
  • Any medications that you may be taking, or any health problems that you may have

From there, your life insurance agent shouldn’t be able to provide you with quotes for the amount of insurance coverage that you wish to see pricing for.

If you have any questions about life insurance, or any other type of insurance, contact us at 412-563-2106.